Sunday, November 23, 2008

11/23/08 - Radiation Ceiling

As one of my friends pointed out (thanks, Melvin), there is a picture of a beach scene on the Radiation room's ceiling. It is lit during treatment. I guess it soothes most patients by taking their minds off of their predicament for a while...

The above picture is eerily similar to the one on the radiation ceiling. Why eerie? It's of a mousepad I got back in 1993. You're probably asking yourself, "Why does he remember when he purchased a mousepad?" Hmmm...

Thought process. I purchased my first computer (PC) from my employer at the time, Sun TV (similar today's Best Buy), even though I graduated from Penn State in 1991 with a degree in Electrical Engineering. I started at Sun TV in November 1992 because the week between my job interview and job start, I drove to Florida with my friend, Big Ed. I quit at Sun TV in 1993 for a higher-paying job (ironically, my "summer job" during college). Finally, I was still living in Pittsburgh (I moved to Florida in 1995) and perhaps dreaming of Palm trees when I bought the mousepad... So, it must have been 1993, right?

If you've seen one tropical beach, you've seen 'em all. Maybe not quite, but that's how the saying goes...


Anonymous Anonymous said...


I see them! You just have to look real close


11/25/2008 4:49 PM  

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