Monday, October 23, 2006

Symptoms - Eyes

The last post was pretty disgusting, but a fact of operations that may very well be overlooked, it was a stressful episode for me for me, so I had to write about it.

So on to cleaner updates, not necessarily brighter ones. It has been very difficult to type my blog, even more so from my cell phone which was the only tool I had the previous 15 days. I attempted to enter the first paragraph of the last update at least 20 times. Most of the time, I found myself monotonously starting over. On my final try, I got something like "Hallejuhah" with body of "Fi." Satisfied with that and realizing an entire update was impossible I gave up. I didn't entirely give up as I decided to save the entire thing to paper. I think it was done in about 3 sheets of scribble that was not my own - and about three hours.

Some side effects. My handwriting is terrible and is not my own. I used to have many different "fonts" from 'draft' to 'presentable.' If I tried really hard, and got close to the paper, I could approach presentable. And if I ever need something that is udecodable, I just have to pull out the 'draft' font. Now, if I could only find the key then I might be able to decipher it myself...

And don't think QWERTY has made it easier. Typing is a chore, I'm sure it has lot to do with the one symptom that causes my left eye to see a different image than my right eye. Double-vision. I'm partial to Parallax. So, it's an annoying side effect. My right and left eyes two different images - and they are very different. Put a tray if food in front of me, remove my eye patch (right) and let the mayhem begin.

Now try to type (I'm not a touch-typist) and really let the fun begin... I come up with words that Miriam Webster never heard of. You don't even know where these words come from even if you watch the keys you press - several times.

Stay tuned for tomorrow night on hidden snacks, walkers, wheelchairs, rehab exercizes, medulloblastomas, balance, radiation treatment, chemo, and more. I'll try to post some of embarassing photos that have been captured.

10/24/06 sorry, too tired to update...
10/25/06 broken record... Couldn't get on-line...
10/26/06 broken record... They switched some of my drugs and I think I was up all night...
10/27/06 I may be in here anytime, it's 1:25AM. Should only have to meet with radio-doctor this morning and update later. Already know that first-course of radiation\chemo will be very aggressive, but nothing I can do but be zapped...