01/30/08 - Transfusion VI, Hives
So, after I received the platelet transfusion yesterday, I started to "itch" around my chemo port (the "injection" site). The number of itchy sites started to increase, with random locations. I would describe them like mosquito bites. In fact, they were hives. I guess hives can vary as to size and number, but mine were small (about 1/4" in diameter), and I probably only had around five of them. I was still hooked up to an IV, so the nurse administered 50mg of Benadryl.
I had received Benadryl before, but this time it definitely made me feel "woozy." That feeling wore off in about 15 minutes. It also got rid of the hives. Another potential side-effect from Benadryl is tiredness, and it definitely affected me because I slept most of yesterday afternoon. End result - I will start off any platelet transfusions with Benadryl to better prevent an allergic reaction.
Also, I stated there was a mosquito in Laura's car on the way home from Transfusion V. Well, I don't know if it bit me or not, but my leg was itching as if it had, and it probably was a "hive." In the original post I was just trying to be funny. The mosquito was real, though.
I will have my counts checked again tomorrow.
The following is an updated plot of my current counts. It is still somewhat manual in that I haven't completed my Excel program yet. Also, I may very well be the only person excited about my Excel application, because I have told others about it and they don't appear to be impressed. Oh well...
Here's a brief description of what is shown. First of all, all of my usual (the ones of concern) counts are shown. Since they don't have the same units, their value is shown as a percentage between 1 and 100. The graph shows how they drop after a chemo treatment, and they should rise after a transfusion or shot.
Count Name - There are four counts shown. They each have their own color, and the plotted series is also named.
Count Min - There is a "normal" minimum value shown as a dashed horizontal line for each count. I don't bother to show the maximum value.
Vertical Lines - Vertical lines show chemo treatments, transfusions, or shots. Presumably, you should see how my counts reacted accordingly.
As Porky Pig might say, "That's all folks..."