08/04/07 - Transfusion III
So, we were at the hospital from about 12:30PM until about 5:30PM. A far cry from the overnight, nearly 17 hour stay of my first transfusion. The "Fusion Center" is a nice place, but you don't want to spend a lot of time there. Besides my recent transfusions, I also receive my chemotherapy there.
Below is a picture of the platelet IV running into my chemo port. The port is in my chest as I described it in my last platelet transfusion post.
As I said earlier, the Fusion Center is not bad. Laura and I were more prepared this time with reading materials and MP3 players. She read a lot, and I read a little. I was given Benadryl intravenously to fend off a negative reaction I had to the platelets during my first transfusion. Anyhow, the Benadryl pretty much made me sleep.
I hope that two transfusions in a row (this weekend and last) don't cancel my Pittsburgh trip. It would take a lot to cancel it, especially since I have more plans now. We'll see how it works out, as I'm scheduled to have my bloodcounts measured twice this week.
Hey Mark,
Karma....now all those donations to the blood bank bus are coming back around!
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