Monday, September 25, 2006

Monday 9/25 Hospital Schedule

'Can't believe it has been over a month since I was diagnosed with the tumor on August 23rd...

Tomorrow, we go to Moffitt for pre-operative procedures. At least I know exactly what to expect. They will be placing fiducials on my head an performing an MRI. No big deal.

I do want to make a slight change in the game plan and I sincerely hope that Moffitt accepts my request. I want them to admit me tomorrow afternoon so I can be supervised in their facility and care overnight. It would just give me a lot more peace and security before the surgery on Tuesday.

In the 24 hours prior to surgery, the steroid dosage will increase from 4mg/day to 24mg/day (hasn't been specified by the doctor yet, but that's what I recall last week). Under normal doses, these caused a lot of anxiety and hyperactivity, so sleep really will not be an option, and I would just feel a lot safer to have access to a nearby medical staff during the night before.

Laura, Scott, my father, and I will depart my house around 12:30PM Monday to arrive early for our 2:30 appointment to have the fiducials applied. See post "Fiducials Galore" from 9/15. After fiducial placement, I will be given an MRI to establish the current state of the tumor and (I'm pretty sure) establish a coordinate system based on the fiducials.

Since I've been through it before, tomorrow will be a walk in the park. We'll likely be done with all diagnostics by 5:00PM. I'm not sure what we'll work our after that, but my vote is to be admitted immediately so I can be observed the night before surgery. I hope to know this prior to leaving for the hospital around 12:30PM.


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