06/18/09 - Brain Tumor MRIs

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I've started this site as a means to keep family, friends and co-workers updated on the status of a brain tumor that I was diagnosed with on August 23, 2006. It will certainly be a work in progress, but I hope that it will provide people with relevant information and feedback. Note that I don't claim to have the expertise of a Doctor, this site just reflects my opinions and personal experiences.
Is this a "new" tumor, or is it the old one with a re-occurence? Also, is the one in the spine a new one or, again, the old one coming back? Just curious.
Either way, Mr. Mark with the "new look" -- we're confident that doctor will get rid of all that stuff!!! You just keep that wonderful attitude, brave and courageous treatment schedule, and we'll be right behind you praying all the way!!!
Tell Big Monkey he has not written to me on FB... hmmmm...did I do something to offend him??? lol
Take care...we love ya!
Mary & all the Gregory clan
I requested your friendship, but you have to accept me as your friend first. My name on Facebook is Velike Ludorije because they wouldn't let me join as Big Monkey. :(
We are so sorry about this news. Keep a head up, all "3" of you. Our hearts are with you.
Willis and Cheryl and Riley
Unfortunately, they are both new, indicating a spread of disease. A "collection" I do not want...
Thanks for the comment.
Mark and Laura.....Great for you two to do what you did and enjoy the evening -- sounded like fun! (that Big Monkey just wouldn't let you two have an evening alone, would he). Just because he is now my friend on FB, doesn't mean he controls everything....lol! Hey Big Monkey -- give Laura and Mark some space!!!!
Mark, you know you have faced these types of hurdles before, and you can face them again! Let those docs do their thing and your friends and family will do their thing -- keeping the faith and praying fervently on healing your body!
In the meantime, try to keep Big Monkey out of trouble and don't let him boss you around too much. He did send me a nice note on FB, though. Underneath, he is a nice guy...just has to be tough on the outside, huh!
Keep us posted Mark...I check your blog page every day. If you're not up to blogging (especially with your details), then just send a quick update message through Big Monkey....
Love you guys...
Mary & Bill Gregory and all the Gregory Clan
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