Sunday, May 25, 2008

05/25/08 - Quick Medical Update

My blood counts are still low, but are gradually coming up. One good sign is I now get them checked once every two weeks. The frequency of checking them has gone from twice per week, to once per week, and now once every two weeks. When I have them checked during this upcoming week, hopefully they will still be headed in the right direction (up).

Other than my counts, I do feel a lot better. I try to ride my tricycle or otherwise get outside when the weather is nice (which it hasn't been, at least not last week - rain or threatening rain). Well, maybe that's not exactly accurate as I was able to ride my trike about 17 miles on Friday. I didn't expect to go so far, so I didn't bring my GPS to record where I went.

Anyhow, my next major hospital appointment will be June 17th, when I'm due to have a blood check, an MRI of my head and my spine, a spinal tap, and a meeting with my doctors to discuss the results. Hopefully, the reports will be all clear. Then I will really have to jump up and down...


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