Friday, July 18, 2008

07/18/08 - Quick Medical Update

Counts, counts, counts. Well, they started to head up, but then they peaked and headed down again. Right now, they are holding steady. The last time I received chemo was March 8th, so my counts are recovering very slowly!

I just updated my blood count plot (the link to the right), and I added the chemo cycle numbers and the dates they were administered. The dates show how long this phase has taken, starting back in January of 2007. Don't forget that I had previously received chemo (weekly) and radiation (daily) from November 2006 through December 2006. So, this is basically the first time I am chemo-free in almost two years...

Once again, I decided not to get any chemo for the foreseeable future. My last chemo treatment was 7 of 8 scheduled cycles, but my blood counts were so low, that I opted out of the 8th cycle. Your counts can get to a point where they don't recover at all, and I didn't want that to happen...

So, I'm feeling good, and my counts are being monitored to make sure they continue to head up and regain normal levels. Currently, they are still low, as the plot shows.